Thank You, Señora Latham!

Alyssa Rave, Staff Writer

“Ms. Latham is an outstanding Spanish instructor that is able to successfully help all her students acquire the knowledge needed to practice Spanish in the future. Although studying another language can be tricky, Ms. Latham is there to guide her students on the path to mastering the language.

As a Spanish teacher of Arcadia High School, Ms. Latham has to be extremely flexible and innovative to work with a tight schedule. To be able to fit rigorous course work, entertaining games, and social activities into a class period all while teaching students an entirely new language is phenomenally impressive. Her class agenda features personal and public activities that allow the growth of a student’s use and understanding of the lecture. With competitive games and online practices she provides for her students, it isn’t a surprise that so many are succeeding. The worksheets and practice tests target personal errors and challenges for her students so that they may identify the root cause of their confusion. Ms. Latham’s practice work is designed to encourage actual thinking and comprehension of text and conversation. Her personal touches on what she assigns are what make learning Spanish a breeze in her class. The grand performance of her students is evidence of the beneficial effect of her teaching strategies.

Ms. Latham’s determination to instill the devices of Spanish into her students creates an atmosphere of support in the classroom. Her friendly and open persona play an especially significant role of teaching her students. Without the prominent gaiety in the room, the feelings of security and assurance when speaking would be gone. In order to be an effective language educator, Ms. Latham harnesses her passion and responsibility for teaching Spanish and voices it throughout her lectures. Without her charitable instruction, the students of Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 would be lost in learning and utilizing the basics.

Learning Spanish is not something to take lightly. To understand and practice the language is to open oneself up to an entire other world of discovery and education. Ms. Latham understands that fact and treats her course appropriately. Her fervor for the culture makes her a sympathetic teacher that will do anything to help her students grasp the concepts of the language.

One cannot put on price on the invaluable knowledge Ms. Latham imparts on all her students. She serves as a stepping stone for each individual student she receives on their journey to learning Spanish. It is Ms. Latham that they will remember when looking back at their beginning of their foreign education, it is her they will be thankful for.” —Alyssa Rave, 10, Pow Wow, Staff Writer