Uses of Aloe Vera

Uses of Aloe Vera

Nicole Soong, Staff Writer

Aloe Vera is easily accessible to us, but do you know what you can do with aloe vera? I will be suggesting some tips for you to maximize the use of aloe vera.


1) Aloe contains active compounds that may reduce pain and inflammation. It also has compounds that stimulate skin growth and repair. It can effectively treat burns from minor mishaps in the kitchen—from grease splatters to hot utensils.


2) Take the sting or itch out of insect bites.


3) You can make an exfoliating foot mask by mixing together a half cup of oatmeal, a half cup of corn meal, four tablespoons of aloe vera gel and a half cup of body lotion. This DIY exfoliating mask can remove all the dead skin efficiently and make your feet soft again!


4) Replace lotion with aloe vera gel because of the natural moisturizing effects it provides!


5) Aloe contains compounds (vitamin A, C, E and more) that reduces inflammation. It can be used treat acne because of its healing feature.


6) You can also use aloe vera as a makeup remover! As the makeup removers are full of harsh chemicals that are harmful to your skin, you can replace them with aloe vera juice! Just squeeze the aloe vera juice onto a cotton ball and massage your skin with it!


7) Aloe vera is a great natural treatment for dry hair or an itchy scalp. It has nourishing properties and the numerous of vitamins and minerals that are present keep your hair strong and healthy. It can help clear up all the chemicals from the shampoo and conditioner on your scalp!


8) The enzymes in aloe vera break down the proteins that we eat into amino acids and turns them into fuel for every cell in the body. This enables the cells to function properly, boosting our immune system!


9) We now can stop relying on the tweezers to keep our brows tidy! With aloe vera, we can make a DIY brow gel that is natural and cheap! Dip a clean mascara wand in some aloe vera gel and sweep over stray brows for serious stay-put power without getting hard or sticky.


10) There is nothing that aloe vera cannot do! You can even make a personal hand sanitizer with it! Mix 1/2 cup aloe vera gel, 1/4 cup alcohol, and 20 drops of your favorite essential oil (optional) and pour into a spritz bottle. It kills all the bacteria without drying your skin!


Of course, there is much more that aloe vera can do for you! Don’t waste the aloe vera plant in your backyard!

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