At Arcadia High School (AHS), students spend a lot of time thinking about college, from where they’ll go to what they’ll study and how to get in. These discussions are common across campus, but what happens after graduation? Conversations about life beyond college are less frequent, perhaps because many students aren’t sure what comes next. But if they could choose their dream careers, what paths would they follow, and how do their aspirations reflect their passions and goals? We asked a couple of students to find out.
For many, choosing a career often involves combining what they love with what they hope to achieve in the future. Sophomore Arnav Mohanty, who is active in advanced theater and plays roles in school productions such as the recent-play Treasure Island, has a clear vision for his future.
“I love acting and performing arts,” Mohanty said. “I would most likely want to work for production studios professionally, either onstage or behind the scenes.”
His interest in performing arts has led to his debut in school theater, where he not only practices his craft on stage but also takes on roles such as directing and stage management.
Senior Emily Chang dreams of becoming a pediatrician.
“I’ve always loved working with kids,” she said. “Being a doctor would let me help them in a way that’s meaningful and impactful.”
Chang has used her passion for science by actively volunteering at local hospitals, where she assists medical staff and gains firsthand experience in the healthcare field. These experiences only further solidified her curiosity of entering the medical profession.
Meanwhile, junior Alex Nguyen hopes to one day work in software engineering.
“I’ve been into coding since middle school,” he shared. “It’s creative and logical at the same time, which is what I enjoy.”
For Nguyen, the dream of working at a tech giant like Google or Microsoft isn’t just about prestige, it’s also about being able to say he built the tools that people use every day.
“Not everyone gets such privilege, and it would certainly be an accomplishment my parents would be really proud of and support,” he explained.
While many students have clear career paths in mind, others like senior David Lee are still exploring. Lee admits he doesn’t have a clear career path yet.
“There are so many options, and I’m interested in a lot of different things,” he said. “Right now, I’m focusing on exploring what I like through internships and clubs.”
There’s no doubt that students’ aspirations vary widely. While some students already have a clear direction they want to pursue ahead, others are taking time to explore the possibilities altogether.