Arcadia High School’s (AHS) Girls JV Basketball team went up against Saugus High School (SHS) on Dec. 5. Spirits soared high in the gym as the crowd cheered on their respective teams. AHS did not secure the win—they ended with a score of 20-41.
The first quarter showed intense effort from both teams as they aimed to take the lead early on. While it appeared that SHS was on the way to winning the first match, AHS quickly turned that feeling around. The Apaches would continue scoring until they eventually caught up with their opponents by using strong defensive strategies that prevented SHS from being able to score; the teams were tied with a score of 6-6. With only 40 seconds left on the clock, AHS made the last goal, ending the first quarter 8-6.
While SHS went for long-range shots in the second quarter, AHS focused on scoring close-range layups. Communication was crucial as most of this quarter was played on the AHS side of the court. The Apaches’ defense seemed to be less fierce this round. SHS saw this as an opportunity to take back the lead, with shouts echoing across the court from players communicating. Right before the quarter ended, AHS was granted a free throw after SHS committed a foul as they were scoring. They successfully made both goals. This, however, was not enough for them to win the round, and the second quarter ended 12-20.
During the quick halftime break, AHS practiced shooting from both close and far distances, hoping for a comeback in the last two quarters. The Apaches huddled with motivation one final time before returning to the court.
The third quarter showed off AHS’ exceptional offense. The opportunity to shoot the ball came many times for AHS, as players demonstrated great offensive strategies that led their opponents on a wild goose chase. Two minutes into the quarter, SHS attained their first free throw, but only scored one of the two shots. However, this put them at a great advantage, as the score was now 12-23. Despite AHS’ efforts to block them, SHS was met with another advantage as they scored a clean three-pointer.
As the game progressed, the pace intensified. SHS made sudden passes that AHS found hard to keep up with, granting them closer access to their net. They shot a plethora of layups until they reached the 30 point mark. The Lady Apaches battled fiercely in an attempt to catch up with the opposing team. Players leaped into the air with outstretched arms, vying for control of the ball while defense blocked any possible passing lanes. SHS was granted a free throw, which missed the net by only a few centimeters. Both teams fought for the ball and AHS pressed hard. With only around a minute left in the third quarter, AHS took a free throw and scored one out of two shots, shortly followed by another goal. SHS took another free throw and ended the quarter with a score of 17-33.
Sophomore Star McCoy gave insight on the JV team’s strategies toward a good game, stating, “We like to see how well they move based on their shooting, running, defense skills, and their aggression as well. To gain an advantage over the other team, we analyze their different teammates and match them with one of ours.”
Reflecting McCoy’s words, AHS pushed hard in this final quarter. It began with AHS committing a foul when a player bumped into an SHS player while the ball was in her hand. This gave SHS control over the ball as they scored twice consecutively. However, this quarter was faced with many time-outs from accidents, out of bounds, and fouls. Soon after this round began, the blow of the whistle indicated a regrouping with the teams’ coaches. Although out of breath and dripping with sweat, the players strategized once more together for a better play. In the end, AHS made three more goals, while SHS accomplished eight more, winning the overall game.
“I feel that we need to work better as a team, and honestly once we get comfortable with each other, we’ll do a lot better.” McCoy said about the team’s goals for improvement.
Despite the loss of the game, the Apaches continued working hard and boosted the team morale. The team demonstrated growth and their ability to overcome difficult challenges during this intense match. Be sure to cheer on our AHS Basketball team throughout their season.