The newest installment of the Terrifier franchise, Terrifier 3, recently debuted in theaters. The film, Not Rated, should be viewed by mature individuals due to its mature themes and vicious videography. Directed by renowned screenwriter Damien Leone, the film follows Art the Clown, an immortal villain following Sienna Shaw. Shaw, a female survivor of his slashings years ago, continues to live on with the fear of Art. Though she and her brother try to move on, the terror of Art remains ever-present as he draws closer to them.
While critics described Terrifier 3 as a “disgusting gore fest” on Rotten Tomatoes, Terrifier 3 left me with appreciation for their depiction of art. The opening scene shows a family of four dismembered by the antagonist, Art the Clown. This shocking start sets the tone for what would be a marathon of disgust. The slaughterfest scenes were polarizing; unalike any other violent scenes in other movies. Each scene was a depiction of blood and gore, highlighting bodily fluids and gooey messes, something other movies shun from doing.
However, Terrifier 3’s plot was almost completely overshadowed by its relentless bloodshed. Without a focus on storyline, the constant dismemberments and killings diluted the plot. Parts of the movie felt unnecessary and rushed, such as the massacre of a family in the opening scene of the film. It had no connection to the rest of the film, acting as an additional scene bloating the film with unnecessary carnage. Additionally, the last half of Terrifier 3 felt extremely hurried, as Siena encounters Art the Clown in a series of unclear events, seemingly like a dash to the finish line.
The artistic and special effect elements of the film are clear: no one with a queasy stomach should be watching this, as it depicts some harrowing scenes of blood, gore, and murder. Each gory scene was orchestrated skillfully, and with its emphasis on shock value, the visuals were undeniably impactful.
Art himself is a hilarious character, despite his horrifying actions. The atrocious killings he perpetrates stand in stark contrast to his character, who is full of silent smiles and laughter. Art is a spin on Pennywise the Clown from the It horror movie franchise; while Pennywise has long red hair and a terrifying voice, Art is bald and remains silent.
However, Terrifier 3 is not without its controversy, as the persistent use of violent imagery reflects society’s desensitization towards gory content. A study conducted on the effects of violence showed that pre-adolescents exposed to excessively violent content had an increase in violent behavior in later life. While horror fanatics can appreciate the art that Terrifier 3 offers, it raises concerns about the consequences of viewing such intense savagery.
Overall, Terrifier 3 is an exhilarating addition to the Terrifier franchise. The movie gives the audience the chance to be thrilled and disgusted, while still incorporating some elements of a plot. It is ultimately a typical old-school gory movie, filled with action. For horror fans who appreciate high quality special effects, it is worth watching, despite its pacing issues.