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The Arcadia Quill

The World Is Our Campus

The Arcadia Quill

The World Is Our Campus

The Arcadia Quill

Commitment Feature: Caren Lee

Photo courtesy of Caren Lee

As the 2023-2024 school year is starting to wrap up, senior athletes are once again saying heartfelt goodbyes to the school that has seen them through their highs and lows. While this season is filled with nostalgic farewells, it also brings exciting prospects; for driven, high-achieving athletes, this includes the possibility of committing to their dream college.

Amidst the talented pool of athletes at Arcadia High School (AHS), a special congratulations to Caren Lee, a member of the Orchesis dance team, who has solidified her college plans.

Caren has taken leaps in the dance world ever since she was young. Coming into AHS her sophomore year after one year at La Salle College Preparatory School, Caren immediately took to continuing her passion of dance, through the Orchesis Dance Company, the most advanced dance team at AHS. In which she participated in various performances, such as Arcadia High School seasonal assemblies, the Charity Dance Show, Orchesis Productions, and countless different recitals.

Caren started dancing at the young age of 3-years-old, and she immediately took to the craft. A dancer for nine years and going, Caren is currently one of the Orchesis company’s co-dance captains. This past year, she performed in many shows, but her favorite was “Bittersweet Memories.”

“Orchesis has really helped a lot in my athletic dance career. I’ve learned a lot about working with others, learning from different guest choreographers, and I’ve learned a lot about myself. not just having improved my technique tremendously, orchesis has helped teach me how much really goes into creating a show,” said Lee.

Performing in shows, masterclasses, and on the big stage her whole life, whether at San Marino dance academy or at AHS, Lee shared about what she loves the most, “being able to get the audience pumped up!”

As for her future career, Lee is excited to be on Berkeley’s dance team, also known as the Cal Dance Team! The Cal Dance Team is one of the oldest and most respected collegiate dance teams in the United States, with a history that spans several decades. They regularly compete in national championships and have earned numerous titles and accolades over the years. Lee has also been performing during assemblies and school events at AHS, making it easy for her to transition into the Cal Dance Team.

“I’m definitely most excited about performing on the field for football games, on TV, and meeting new people on the team and making new friends. I am also super excited to learn a bunch of dances and perform in stadiums filled with a bunch of students!” Lee shared.

Dancing at such a high level doesn’t come without challenges though. As for Lee, she finds inspiration in one of her dance teachers, Angel Strittmater.

“She is so hardworking and always has a positive attitude. She’s so funny and always has an open mind while teaching and is such a phenomenal dancer as well. She inspired me to want to join the Cal dance team,” Lee shared.

Making it on to the Cal dance team isn’t an easy feat at all, but Lee has managed to do so. Congrats to Lee and all the other Arcadia athletes. We wish you all the very best.

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