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The Arcadia Quill

The World Is Our Campus

The Arcadia Quill

Commitment Feature: Virginia Garcia-Torres

Virginia Garcia-Torres

The Arcadia High School (AHS) Girls Softball program has been the home for a multitude of talented athletes throughout the years. With last year’s graduating senior class having four players committed to play collegiate athletics, it is unsurprising that the skilled girls of the Varsity Softball program have continued to succeed in their athletic and academic journeys. One of these athletes is Virginia Garcia-Torres, a key player on the AHS Girls Varsity Softball team, who committed to play softball at Whittier College on May 20.  

Garcia-Torres has been playing softball for most of her life, and started her athletic career at a young age.

“I’ve been playing softball since I was 5 years old, so around 12 years. I started playing in the Sierra Madre Little League, and then I moved to the Arcadia, West Covina, and San Dimas Little Leagues. After that, my parents decided they wanted me to play travel ball, so I’ve been playing travel ball since 5th grade,” said Garcia-Torres.

While she had a successful conclusion, Garcia-Torres had a rough start to her recruitment process. While reflecting on her experience, she called attention to some of the difficult aspects of chasing college commitment. 

“The whole recruiting process was [a] very stressful, long, and disappointing at times. A lot of the time you go to these camps with the mindset that you deserve a spot and that you’re better than everyone there. And when you go, everyone there is at the same level if not better than you, which can be disheartening,” said Garcia-Torres.

But after finding Whittier College, she quickly realized she had found the right place for her.

“I remember when we first had a practice at Whittier College and I realized that I really wanted to go to this school. I contacted my coach who got in touch with the Whittier coach and arranged for me to attend a camp. After going to the camp, I was committed within two months,” said Garcia Torres.

When reflecting on her time at AHS, Garcia-Torres cited some of her favorite memories.

“One of my favorite memories was my sophomore year when we beat Crescenta Valley High School (CVHS) for the first time in 15 years. It was the first time we had won the Pacific League in 15 years, so just being able to win on CVHS’ field and dogpile was definitely a highlight. I will never forget my sophomore year team with Morgan Howey, Tiara Westbrook, Giselle Lai, just all these amazing players that I deeply miss so much and look up to,” said Garcia-Torres.

As graduation inches closer, so does the college softball season. Garcia-Torres commented on what she’s most looking forward to in her freshman season at Whittier.

“I’m most excited about having a family at Whittier College and a group of people I can always relate to. The one thing with playing sports is that your team is always going to be your family and always going to have your back. I love playing sports and I’ve always played softball, my closest friends have 100% come from the sport and my whole life has basically revolved around it. I just can’t wait to continue to the next level and I’m in a pretty good conference so I’m excited,” said Garcia Torres.

To other budding athletes aspiring to follow in her footsteps, Garcia-Torres has a few words of advice.

“Just don’t give up. It’s easier said than done, but seriously, if it wasn’t for my coaches pushing me just a little bit further, I would’ve given up already and quit. Play for yourself, and don’t play for anybody else; play because you love the game,” said Garcia-Torres.

Congratulations to Virginia Garcia-Torres on her commitment, and we thank her for all the hard work she has dedicated to the AHS Girls Softball program during her time here! We wish her all the best in her future academic and athletic endeavors! 

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