In the heart of our community, Kathy He, an Arcadia High School student, has turned her passion for baking into a thriving business known as The Sweets Exchange. Specializing in cookies and cupcakes, this emerging bakery has captivated taste buds and gained attention for its irresistible treats.
The root of He’s Sweets Exchange bakery traces back to her simple act of baking cookies for friends. As compliments about her delectable creations poured in, it became clear that He’s talent needed to be shared with a broader audience. Thus, The Sweets Exchange was born, driven by He’s passion, hard work, and the joy she finds in crafting sweets that bring happiness to those who indulge.
“I love the entire process of making sweets overall and the joy that comes from seeing people genuinely enjoy my products,” He shared.
What sets The Sweets Exchange apart is the meticulous attention He pours into each creation. Every product is a testament to her dedication to the art of baking. He’s cookies are a specialty that takes away the breath of many customers. They are baked with love and passion, evident through the delicious flavors and perfect texture that merge into a gooey, delicious treat.
“[He’s] strawberry shortcake cookies are really well made with a good balance of sweetness from the strawberry, combined with flavors from the marshmallow and graham crackers,” freshman Madeline Wong commented.
The magic behind He’s cookies lies in the creation process. The Nutella cookies are a combination of Nutella and cookie dough, a simple yet heavenly combination of textures and tastes. Another crowd-pleaser is the S’mores cookie, where she layers cookie dough with marshmallows, chocolate, and a graham cracker base, delivering a nostalgic camping treat in every bite.
“I think the way [the cookies are] done is unique, with the marshmallow baked into the cookie itself–and Kathy had really good advertising and consistent branding,” stated freshman Rebecca Pinto.
Challenges are common in any business, and for He, it’s maintaining the quality and uniqueness of her products while still making a profit. Nevertheless, her commitment to success shines through, as evidenced by the overwhelmingly positive feedback that she has received.
“[He’s] cookies are really one of the best cookies I’ve ever had. It’s way better than any store-bought cookie. Once you eat one, it’s so addicting. The pricing is great and worth it too. The taste of the cookies is the perfect amount of sweetness and the perfect texture. I really recommend it,” said freshman Jayla Tan.
To spread the sweetness further, He utilizes the power of social media, particularly Instagram, to showcase her baking process. Through engaging videos, she gives her customers a behind-the-scenes look at the love and effort that goes into every batch.
The Sweets Exchange is not a physical bakery but operates from He’s home. Specializing in made-to-order cookies and cupcakes, customers can use a Google Form to select their preferred pickup date and time. Kathy personally delivers the freshly baked goods, adding a personal touch to the experience.
As The Sweets Exchange gains momentum, it is clear that He’s dedication, passion, and genuine love for baking are the driving forces behind her flourishing bakery. With each delightful bite, customers not only savor a delicious treat but also experience the spirit of He’s passion.
“The cookies have great texture, being both chewy and crunchy at the same time. The flavors are super authentic, and I love the creative flavor and unique topping,” expressed freshman Christopher Tsai.
If you’re interested in exploring the world of homemade sweets, you can find He’s creations on Instagram (@the_sweets_exchange).