AHS CTE Beyond U Event

Victoria Mair, Staff Writer

Finding your passion for future careers can be hard, but thanks to Arcadia High School’s (AHS) CTE program, students are able to discover their interests and get a better outlook on what their future has to offer. On Thursday, Feb. 9, AHS hosted the Beyond U Open House, where students and families were informed about the different courses offered by CTE and the importance it has on a student’s path to college. 

CTE is considered to be a career pathway program with a coherent sequence of academic and technical courses that provide students with the knowledge and skills for a curricular path. During the event, it was explained that “students must complete and establish a sequence of two or more courses that involve at least 300 hours of instruction and/or supervised application.” When students complete these requirements, they are prepared for entry-level positions with internships in the industry for the pathway that they chose.   

“They are extremely large, so it’s important that students find something that really interests them and that they enjoy, and oftentimes, that’s where they make the most friends too,” said AHS Assistant Principal, Mr. John Finn. “When I look at CTE, I look at it as if I were looking at a sports team; it’s a connection because it’s something you really enjoy. Plus, on top of that, you get preparation for the career you want to go into. We’ve had a number of students that have gone into specific careers based on what they have gotten through the CTE program in the pathway that they chose.”

After the presentation, students and families were taken on a tour around the campus to explore the different classes involving the programs associated with CTE. All classes were open so that students could see the environment that each program provides, and teachers were there to answer any questions or concerns.

Some examples of the CTE courses offered are: 

Stagecraft: Students learn about real-world items through hands-on training and obtain many problem-solving skills and develop their critical thinking when working on projects based on theatrical aspects of performing arts. The course fits into categories of planning, building, and design. 

Sports Medicine: This course focuses on the medical field such as nursing, physical therapy, or those who consider becoming doctors. The course also consists of career practical training that sometimes isn’t taught in the college setting or different careers, and provides students with tools that can help them in their daily lives, such as CPR or first aid. 

Business Management: Students are introduced to entrepreneurship and are taught and given the skills on how to become a successful business owner involving financing, and how to overcome obstacles that can be faced in the business world. The course can also be beneficial in life skills such as leadership. 

Engineering: Students are taught the importance of mathematics and science through hands-on projects involving 3D modeling software and design. Furthermore, other aspects of this course teach electronic and mechatronic systems providing students with skills to compete in engineering competitions. 

“I think it’s important for students to see that a CTE program does prepare you for college too, so you can do both: you could do a stagecraft pathway and then go to college and learn more to enhance your abilities to help you move further up if that’s what you’re choosing, or a video production, or even a dance, and all these things can lead to careers that are very successful, and you’re able to support yourself and still get a college degree at the same time,” said Mr. Finn.

More information on the CTE program can be found on their website, and more of the courses offered by CTE are explained in their comprehensive Beyond U video

For those who just entered high school or are pondering what college life has to offer, CTE is a place to grow, not only in the topic of interest, but in life as a young adult as well.


Photo courtesy of AUSD DCI Interns Stephanie Jing and Rianna Marquez