Getting a Job as Soon as You Can

Vritti Godani, Staff Writer

Many high school students anticipate the day that they are old enough to get a job, mainly because they want the money. However, there are more benefits of getting a job as a high school student other than the money such as learning about time management and finances, developing collaboration skills, and being introduced to job interviews. 

For starters, employed high school students are basically forced to learn how to manage their time and prioritize. With different classes at school, perhaps some extracurricular activities or sports, and making time for yourself to spend with family and friends, employed students are required to prioritize their tasks and decide the best way to spend their time. Not only is developing this skill important in high school, but it is also a skill that will help students optimize their time and productivity in the future. 

Getting a job as a high school student also introduces students to taxes and teaches them how to manage their money. Taxes and responsibility towards your money are key aspects of adult life and getting a job as a high schooler gives students a headstart with responsibilities that come with money such as how much to put aside for taxes, how much to put into savings, etc. 

It is rare (although not impossible) that a high school student will be working alone. Learning to work together with other people in a professional setting is another skill that is developed through a job and prepares students for future internships, jobs, etc. 

Lastly, the employment process almost always involves an interview, a concept not many high school students are familiar with. By getting early practice with interviewing, students have more time to develop basic interviewing skills and answers, making them more prepared for future job or internship interviews. Furthermore, a resume is also an aspect of the employment process and by participating in the process, students learn how to develop and build a legible and impressive resume. 

¨My first interview was a job interview for a fast food restaurant and it was more nerve-racking than I expected. Some of the questions caught me off guard and at points my mind just blanked but I am glad that I had that experience because now I have an idea of how to prepare myself for future interviews¨, Junior Allison Bernardini said. 

Overall, there are many benefits to getting a job in high school. Not only does getting a job teach students how to grow and develop key life skills, it also may serve as a fun experience. In short, high school students should consider getting a job if they have the time.


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