Choir’s Angel Stadium Fundraiser

March 23, 2022
Arcadia High School’s (AHS) Choir has recently been invited to sing the National Anthem at the Angel Stadium of Anaheim on Apr. 22! The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim are going to be playing the Baltimore Orioles during the game. The Choir program is also selling tickets that will help fundraise for the program. The game will begin at around 6:38 p.m., and tickets are $22. The seating is located in sections 518-519, and it is the southwest area of the stadium.
AHS sophomore Choir member Kalei Chang stated that they are eager for the event and fundraiser.
“I’m quite excited about the event!” Chang said. “It seems like a really fun performance opportunity so I’m really looking forward to it.”
Chang also mentioned that they are excited about getting to learn a new Star-Spangled Banner arrangement. “Even though we already learned one arrangement earlier this year, with the way the event is set up, I think we have to learn a different one,” they stated. In terms of this event, they also added, “I’m also really looking forward to singing with the other Choir members, as always.”
AHS senior Choir member Abi Warren shared similar thoughts. Warren said that she feels “excited, nervous, terrified, very anxious and scared but overall slightly proud and determined to make the most of the experience.” At the same time, Warren is also hoping to get familiar with singing for public events like the fundraiser in order to determine if this is something she would be interested in pursuing.
AHS’ Choir has already had a number of events so far this year, and a few of them were the Fall Choir Concert and other Choir performances in the winter season. When generally asked about the past events they participated in, Chang mentioned that Choir’s past events have gone fine.
“It’s always really exciting to perform, even if they can be a bit tiring at times,” they said.
Warren added that they “hope that this (the Angel Stadium performance) will give [them] more experience and personally, more confidence.”
Tickets for the event can be purchased by emailing the Choir director of AHS, Ms. Connie Tu at [email protected]. Come to the Angels’ game to support AHS’ Choir program!
Photo courtesy of WIKIMEDIA COMMONS