California School Mask Mandate

Sabrina Lo, Staff Writer

Los Angeles (LA) County no longer required masks indoors despite vaccination status since Mar. 4. In addition to that, the county along with the state of California will be lifting their indoor mask mandate in K-12 schools, starting Mar. 12. 

Governor Gavin Newsom first issued a mandatory face mask order during the peak of the pandemic on June 18, 2020. On Feb. 16, Newsom announced that fully-vaccinated Californians did not need to wear a mask anymore. California’s coronavirus cases have been dropping since the surge in January

The lifting of the mandate in LA County aligns with California’s new mandate. Although the lift applies to places such as “bars, stores, offices, restaurants, gyms, and movie theaters,” people can choose to wear a mask. Similarly, businesses still have the option to impose the rules on customers. 

However, this lift has exceptions. “Masks are still required for everyone, regardless of vaccination status, in indoor places like health care facilities…airports, aboard public transit…and long-term care facilities,” according to NBCLA

The LA Times wrote an article on LA County’s first day with no masks. Though there were many people who decided to keep the masks on; many others felt relieved and overjoyed with the lift.

As for schools, it will be a district-to-district decision on whether or not to keep the masks. Some districts that will likely agree to adopt the policy of not requiring masks include Alhambra Unified, Beverly Hills Unified, Glendale Unified, and Pasadena Unified School District. That being said, the LA Unified School District will keep masks required until the end of the school year. Arcadia Unified School District will follow the new changes and not require students to wear masks.

One of Arcadia High School’s assistant principals, Mr. John Finn, gave his thoughts on what Arcadia Unified School District will look like after Mar. 12. 

“When the changes come after March 12 the policy is that students and staff are highly encouraged to wear them but not required.”

While the guidelines will keep changing, the trend is heading in a positive direction. Most importantly, please take steps to stay safe.