Family Bonding
February 11, 2022
On average, how often do you spend time with your family each day? Some may say a lot, but others may realize that they don’t spend enough time with their family at all. Everyone’s life is so busy now, that there is barely any time left in the day to spend time with the ones you love.
According to a study conducted by Visit Anaheim, families spend on average 37 minutes a day with each other, which is an extremely short amount of time. We spend more time on our phones than we do with our families on a daily basis, but many of us don’t recognize this as a problem. The lack of time spent with family might cause the family to become estranged from one another and damage the bond.
Freshman Emelia Asadoorian said, “Throughout the week, I come home at around 6:00 p.m. because of my ridiculously busy schedule. I barely have time to even eat with my family considering the amount of homework I have. On average, I spend about 20 minutes actually conversing with them.”
Family bonding is the practice of spending quality time together as a family in order to strengthen the bond that links you together. Many people underestimate the importance of family bonding because they don’t realize the benefits it can bring to you and your entire family.
“On a daily-basis, I spend around 30 minutes with my family. Usually when I get home, I cook with them,” said freshman Edith Ung.
Family bonding, according to South University, can increase mental health, communication, emotional bonds, as well as reduce stress. Making time in your schedule for family bonding is the first step in doing so. Many individuals don’t prioritize family bonding, but it’s important to remember that spending time with your family is a priority, and it should be handled as such.
Now that you’ve set aside some time to spend with your family, it’s time to plan an activity that everyone will enjoy. There are many activities to select from, such as watching movies, playing games, having a picnic, vacationing, and so on. Even simple activities like sitting down with your family for meals or sitting and talking can help strengthen your family’s bond. By improving your relationship, your family will be able to better understand each other and form a stronger support system.
Getting in 45 minutes of family time, regardless of the activity, may substantially improve your life at home and help create new memories. Your family may even be surprised to learn that you made an effort to spend time with them.