Thank You, Mom

Madison Yee, Staff Writer

There are many people in my life whom I could have dedicated this appreciation article to. Nevertheless, my mother’s influence has aided me in ways that I cannot ignore without giving thanks. Ever since my very existence, my mother has been there for me through every up and down of my life. Her encouraging reminders, constant support, and moments simply asking me how my day went don’t go unnoticed. 

She wakes up every morning to go about her busy day, in which I constantly find myself questioning how she does it all. From her full-time job, to running errands, to volunteering and attending school events, her kindness is infectious. I admire her constant dedication to our family, and she is definitely my number one fan. 

My mother is one of the very few people who knows me completely, and I can say without hesitation that I can count on her. I thank my mother for appreciating my hard work over a letter grade, and for always encouraging me to follow my dreams and what I love. These moments of motivation when I felt like my life would fall apart were small gestures that pushed me to not give up. 

Through our heartfelt conversations and her special pieces of advice, she has taught me to stay true to myself and to see the good in each person and situation. Without these life lessons, I would be a complete mess. Strong and independent, my mothers’s words of wisdom are what make me feel like I am understood and heard. She really is my personal cheerleader, therapist, and mom all in one. 

My mother has also been the one to make me comfort meals, sit with me when I don’t understand my homework, and go out of her way to provide for my needs. She could have about a million things on her plate, yet she will still take the time to make sure that I am doing okay. She has made my childhood and growing up a fun experience, with positivity and memories that I will always cherish. Our mother-daughter dates, shopping trips, and city adventures will forever be some of my favorite memories. 

How did I get so lucky? My mother is truly one of the most genuine human beings that I know, and I will always look up to her and everything that she has been able to accomplish.