Girls Golf Team and their Undefeated Pacific League Season

Aahana Dutta, Staff Writer

The Girls Golf team at Arcadia High School (AHS) played six matches this season and went 30-0 undefeated in League Play.

The team consists of three freshmen, two juniors, and two seniors, coached by Coach Robert Greep and Assistant Coach David Seiler.

The Girls Golf team was first created in 2001, and since then, they have won league championships multiple times. However, this year has been an extremely dominant season with record-breaking scores. This is the first time the Girls Golf team has shot consistent low scores with a record-breaking team average in the 180s and 190s. Usually, six girls play in each match and the lowest five scores of each team are added and compared. The AHS Girls Golf team has won almost every league match by 20 to 30 strokes. The team played six matches this season and went 30-0 undefeated in League Play. They are one of the top teams in Southern California.

“They practice really well together. Help each other around a lot. No selfish players. I feel really fortunate and blessed to be their coach right now,” said Coach Greep. He also joked that the team gets very competitive when Coach Seiler joins, and he usually loses and has to do sit-ups. Nonetheless, “I feel really grateful that I have him out helping; he’s been very reliable and a big reason for this year’s team’s success. The girls relate to him really well.”

On Oct. 13, the League Individual Final took place at 10 a.m at the Encino Golf Course. The game took between four to five hours, and much like Coach Greep predicted, three of the finalists from AHS moved on to the CIF Individual Playoffs; Erica Lee, the co-captain of the team who recently won her fourth AJGA Junior All-Star tournament, Zoe Sprecher, a freshman and the number one golfer on the team, and Qiman Hu, a junior. The League Individual Final had 12 players in total; while Burbank High School and Crescenta Valley High School took two girls, and John Burroughs High School and Glendale High School took one girl each, AHS took six girls.

“I really enjoyed our season this year and it was even better to be undefeated in our league. We have had some amazing players come in this year and it has made the team even more competitive. It was really fun to be able to practice and go to matches. I am extremely grateful to have been a part of this team for three years and sad our season is coming to an end,” said Lee, who has been on the team since her freshman year.

“People often underestimate the amount of effort and time it takes to practice golf and how long it takes during our matches, between travel time and playtime; it usually takes six to seven hours, yet these girls are dedicated to the game and often spend our travel time studying and doing homework. Of course, they occasionally like to sing along to their horrible music and entertain me during our commutes,” said Coach Greep

He finished by saying that it is a “pleasure coaching these girls; they make my job extremely rewarding and easy.”


Photo courtesy of AUSD