Dancing in December

December 9, 2020
Update: Here is the recorded and edited version.
Usually, Orchesis would have the annual Charity Dance Show. However, because of the pandemic, the dance group has decided to go online this year. As its name suggests, the Virtual Showcase will be live-streamed starting on Friday, Dec. 11 at 7:00 p.m. It is planned to stay up until Sunday, Dec. 13.
It’s no secret that the pandemic has affected our lives, especially in terms of academia. These changes have changed our extracurricular programs, more specifically programs that rely on cooperation, like Orchesis. However, Orchesis has worked past the physical presence barrier and has prepared a beautiful performance for us.
This virtual show will be like no other. The choreography, filming, and editing have been reportedly done by the students and directors. In addition, the show will also feature dancers from the Beginning and Intermediate Dance courses offered at the school. Plus, guests will be able to see students from First Avenue Middle School perform as well.
The dancers have worked diligently this year. Members had to carefully time out their moves, make sure that the camera lighting was good, and learn how to edit their own videos. They had to work harder this year than previous years to submit a clean product. But all this hard work has brought them to understand the whole purpose of this showcase: to spread positivity and the holiday spirit through elaborate dance and art.
The program has also mentioned that since they had to cancel their annual Spring Show, they lost around $18,000 to $20,000. As you know, it is hard for extracurricular programs to run without the proper funding. So, the dance program is hoping that there will be donations. Donations can be made here: www.ahsorchesis.com.
“While the performance is completely free to stream, donations are welcomed and will go towards the dance department,” said Orchesis dance instructor Ms. Breanne Genite.
She additionally mentioned how the “goal for the performance is not to raise money but to showcase the amazing work the students have done this semester. They have quickly adapted to a virtual setting and have taken on a very different creative approach to dance that [she knows] the viewers will enjoy.”
On a personal take, I know we are all busy. We all have things to do, to study for, and to prepare for. But this is about supporting our classmates. Our friends. Our fellow artists. Our friends and classmates have worked diligently to make sure that we could see a product that we would enjoy. So I think that the bare minimum we could do is watch the amazing performance they have prepared for us.
Here is a teaser video that they have prepared and here is the direct link where viewers will go to find the streaming.
Just remember that support does not have one meaning!
Graphic courtesy of AHSORCHESIS.COM