The Popularity of Twitch Slang

Sean Yang, Staff Writer

Recently, you may have heard your friends use phrases such as “you’re so Pepega” or “that was so Poggers!” It may seem like they are making no sense, but they are actually talking in Twitch slang. Pepega and Poggers are actual emotes from the live streaming website Twitch which allows users to watch their favorite broadcasters while spamming their favorite emotes. These terms have become so popular that people often use this slang to represent what they want to say instead of having to explain themselves.

So how did all of this slang become so popular? Many streamers allow the usage of these emotes in their chat which allows viewers to constantly use them whenever the moment is right. As a result, people from all communities are able to bring these emotes into the chatroom of any streamer where more and more people can learn about these nifty emotes they can use. 

To know when the moment is right to spam the emotes, users must understand the meaning of the images. Pepega shows a widely stretched out version of Pepe the frog, which is usually spammed when the streamer makes an accident or to mock the streamer whenever they have a moment of unintelligence. Hence, Pepega is able to make an appearance in almost any situation where someone does something dull. Instead of stating that a person is being dense, you can just say they are being Pepega.

The other emote, Poggers, conveys the feeling of excitement over an event. This is represented by Pepe the frog opening his mouth wide open to show how excited he is over something. Similarly, humans usually drop their jaw when they are very surprised by something which is what the emote is trying to show. When there is a lot of excitement in the chat, one would expect to see Poggers show up.

Many students at AHS also actively view Twitch, and as a result, have started using this slang.

“Since teenagers are consuming even more media during quarantine, the way we communicate in real life is greatly influenced by what we watch online,” said senior William Zhou. “I use this slang quite often in daily speech with friends, as this slang conveys emotions very well.”

“I definitely use these words on a daily basis; they are just fine to use all around especially if you have friends that watch Twitch,” said senior David Sun.

For people that watch Twitch, this slang has become a way to communicate effectively. “I think Twitch emotes have become so popular because it is a universal way to express feelings,” said junior Tanner Wong.

There is no doubt that more and more people will be introduced to this slang as streamers continue to grow on Twitch. These are only two of the most popular slang words that viewers use as this is just barely scratching the surface of the emotes on Twitch.