School Fundraisers During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Chloe Wong, Staff Writer

With the changes that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to our world, it’s harder than ever for schools to host in-person fundraisers. When you think of school fundraisers, you probably think of walk-a-thons, annual book fairs, and bake sales. But for administrations whose faculty and student body are still in quarantine, traditional methods of fundraising are out entirely. AHS is one of those schools, so what are some potential methods our administration could use to raise money during this life-changing pandemic? 

1) Sell Some Merchandise

This one may seem obvious, but selling spirit wear and merchandise is a fantastic way for schools to raise some money. With online shopping on the rise, more people than ever are looking to buy clothing online, as it is easy, relatively cheap, and safer than purchasing in person or at the mall. Sweaters, face masks, blankets, hats, and t-shirts are one of the most obvious ways for students to their school spirit—in fact, AHS already has an online clothing store, which is available at There’s already been one clothing fundraiser this year where students could purchase AHS custom bucket hats. According to the ASB website, you can “get your personalized Arcadia  shirts, bags, jackets, hats, and more at our Josten’s online store… Orders ship directly to your home!”

2) Partner With Local Businesses

We all know how hard it is for small businesses to survive during a pandemic. Schools that partner with local businesses not only support their community, but they also get something in return. Schools can reach out to food truck vendors to promote their business and then get a percentage of money in return; alternatively, restaurants can partner with schools to sell discount cards for a similar deal. 

3) Start An Amazon Wishlist

Finally, it might just be the simplest for schools to tell people the number of supplies they need, and how much it will cost. Amazon Wishlists directly tell viewers what a school group needs instead of asking for a sum of money. Schools need only share the list on social media, and donations might come pouring in. 

We’re all hoping that the worst of the pandemic will be over soon and that students and staff will be able to return to school as quickly and safely as possible. But while we’re waiting, these are just three school fundraising options that are effective even when done remotely.


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