Clubs During Online School
September 22, 2020
As online learning continues with no sign of returning to campus, club presidents have been planning for online meetings for the school year. Clubs have been forced to adapt to the new online format, and as a result, some changes had to be made. Clubs also face a new problem: being unable to recruit people in person.
Interact Club President senior Stanley Liu already has ideas of what he plans to do. “We plan to substitute our usual socialization and bonding time with various online games, activities, and icebreakers,” said Stanley.
He also added that since physical volunteer events cannot be done due to COVID, Interact will have to provide alternatives. A few potential ideas he came up with were writing cards to veterans, writing thank you notes for essential workers, and making homemade masks. As for attracting new members, Stanley said he would stick to word of mouth and social media advertising. He also plans to recruit more members at Club Day.
Like Stanley, Chemistry Club President senior Rachel Lee plans on recruiting more members through Club Day and social media. Rachel hopes this will be able to attract enough new members. While Chemistry Club performs their demonstrations in person during the school year, they will be unable to do so during online learning.
“We will still have presentations and videos of demos for members to watch,” said Rachel. She also plans on showing documentaries to members to widen their range of activities and reaching out to people in the chemistry field and inviting them as guest speakers to supplement their demonstrations.
Clubs Commissioner senior Megan Ngo said that clubs will continue to meet during the online learning period. During online learning, Megan said that she will be less strict with making sure clubs meet weekly. Despite being less strict with meetings, clubs would still have to follow standard guidelines, such as submitting activity requests for events. Megan plans to have an online Club Day, structured similarly to last year’s Spring Preview.
“Clubs will have a chance to share any information they want about their club, including sign ups or video call links,” said Megan. Clubs will also have the opportunity to share presentations or videos to attract members.
Despite the difficulties presented by online school, clubs continue to adapt to the situation. Hopefully, they will be able to adjust to the new learning environment and provide new opportunities for their members.