Senate Moves to Fill Empty Supreme Court Seat

Jorge Espinoza-Gonzalez, Staff Writer

Over the weekend, the nation has experienced great grief with the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Ginsburg was the former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court since 1993 and was the second womanafter Sandra Day O’Connorto serve on the Supreme Court. Throughout her legal career, Ginsburg was an advocate for women’s rights as well as gender equality. When she passed away last Friday, Sept. 18, millions of people across the nation mourned her death. 

“She was an amazing woman, whether you agree or not, who led an amazing life,” said President Donald Trump to NBC after being asked for comments on Ginsburg’s passing.

NPR reported that Ginsburg told her granddaughter, Clara Spera, “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”

But that may not be so. According to the New York Times, if the President were to assign a replacement for Ginsburg, it could “cement a conservative majority for years.” That is the reason why the passing of Ginsburg has created both a political focus and nationwide sorrow.  

The same day that Ginsburg passed away, Senator Mitch McConnell told the media that the president’s nominee for Ginsburg’s replacement would receive a vote on the US Senate floor. McConnell’s statement was very controversial as he had blocked former President Barack Obama’s move to replace a vacancy that had been in the Supreme Court back in 2016, arguing that the President should wait until a new president was voted. 

The rushed vote has also created its opposers. Republican senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski have both said that they oppose the rushed replacement. In the Democratic party, Senators Patrick J. Leahy and Chuck Schumer have both claimed that they hope that Ginsburg will not be replaced until after the presidential election. 

Ginsburg’s place in the Senate holds a special place. If another conservative was to join the Supreme Court, the Republican Party would hold six out of nine seats. The Times claim that this could lead the nation into a heavily-influenced republican agenda and cause tremendous effects on regulation. 

The Times also reports that the President already has a list of conservatives and that he is preparing to replace Ginsburg very soon. The decision to replace Ginsburg before the 2020 election will either lose or win votes for both Biden and Trump, making Ginsburg’s vacancy the political focus as of right now.


Photo courtesy of NYTIMES.COM