Whipped Coffee

Annalise Xiao, Staff Writer

TikTok’s whipped coffee trend has skyrocketed in popularity within the last couple of days. Instant coffee is common among most households and this new viral trend has emerged. While most people are quarantined in the comfort of their own homes, TikTok users have created a craze as simple as whipped coffee.

The trend originated in South Korea and has been popularized by TikTok users in America as well. The beverage itself is called “Dalgona coffee”, named after the popular Korean sugar sponge candy, Dalgona. A simple search on Instagram with the hashtag #달고나커피 (#dalgonacoffee) will result in 80,0000 posts and videos. 

Whipped coffee is simple and easy to make. It requires equal parts of instant coffee, sugar, and hot water. The most common ratio is typically two tablespoons of each. The next step is to mix all the ingredients in a bowl with your choice of a whisk or electric hand mixer until stiff peaks are reached. An electric hand mixer is preferable because it is faster and more efficient. Once the whipped coffee is thick and frothy, fill another glass with cold milk and ice. Scoop or pour the foaming coffee on top of the milk and mix until thoroughly combined. The taste is almost identical to instant coffee, but the texture is the reason as to why this trend is so popular. The final texture of whipped coffee is airy, fluffy, and enjoyable.

Junior Sean Tinio has tried making whipped coffee and says that “it is fast [to make] if you have an electric hand mixer.” He believes that this trend is popular “because it is incredibly easy to make and tastes amazing.”

Not everyone has instant coffee in their homes, so people have found alternatives to this trend. Some people have instead used hot chocolate mix, chocolate powder, Milo powder, and matcha powder to create new whipped drinks. Dalgona coffee is a great way to pass time and try something new while being quarantined at home. The trend is also great for utilizing instant coffee instead of going out to coffee shops or cafes and an excellent way to practice safe social distancing.