Chinese Parents Booster Club Fundraising Chinese New Year Dinner

February 24, 2020
On Feb. 8, the AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club (CPBC) hosted its 27th annual Chinese New Year Party at the Arcadia Masonic Center. There, patrons celebrated the Lunar New Year over dinner and programs performed by parent volunteers and AHS students. Every year, the funds raised at these dinners are used for other events the booster club supports.
In the first part of dinner, patrons filled the room and examined all the bids for silent auction items. Items such as paintings, teapot sets, and gift baskets were all along the room coupled with a sheet where bidders could name their price. This auction continued through the length of the dinner, and winners collected their items at the end of the event.
Performances were also given at the event. Traditional dances like the Lion Dance, performed by students from Fong’s Kung Fu, were performed by kids who had learned of such from a very young age. From there, in the tradition, red envelopes were handed to all those under 18. With everyone in high spirits, entrees piled the tables with dumplings, squid, and other delicacies.
As the latter part of dinner approached, patrons met with friends and family. On the stage, Lesley Ma, last year’s CPBC co-president, and Dr. John Tung acknowledged the city officials, school district officials, AEF, and community sponsors at the event. Mrs. Angie Dillman, dressed in a Chinese qipao, gave a speech thanking the booster club for supporting various aspects of the school.
Not only did the event include parents and community members, but AHS students also helped carry out the event. SMW, DCI, APN, and Stagecraft were all there to contribute their efforts to make the event as successful as it was. The centerpiece vases on each table were created by AHS’ ceramics class.
As the event went on, CPBC provided its guests with many entertaining performances onstage. The event featured performances from AHS students, such as from AHS’ Pep Band, Orchesis Dance Company, and Arcadia Stage Theatre. Students from Fong’s Kung Fu performed on stage once again, showcasing their skills in kung fu. Muscien Jacky Zu performed a captivating trumpet piece, musician Audrey Zeng played an enchanting musical piece on a traditional Chinese instrument called guzheng, and Dian Art Center performed a beautiful Chinese Folk Dance. The final performance of the event was the CPBC Parents Choir Team singing two popular traditional Chinese songs.
Throughout the event, there were three lucky drawings; emcees called out the ticket numbers they drew, and several guests won. With the third and final lucky drawing, the event came to a close.
This year, CPBC was able to raise a total of $55,000, breaking their record for the most money they have ever raised. CPBC donates their proceeds to support AHS and its academic teams, Music Club, Athletic Booster Club, Orchesis Dance Company, Grad Night, Arcadia Education Foundation, and Arcadia Performing Arts Foundation. They have also awarded scholarships to AHS seniors and hosted monthly gatherings with guest speakers to talk to students and parents about plans for high school and colleges.
At the end of the event, Judy Lin, former CPBC co-president, shared, “The fundraiser part of the event is of course important, but I believe that the most important part is that our community came together for a common purpose: to celebrate volunteerism, culture, and to contribute to our wonderful school district.”