What Are Cryptids?

Emily Chen, Staff Writer

What are cryptids? The answer to that question is still up for debate. To some, cryptids are terrifying creatures that lurk unseen in the shadows among us. To others, they are no more than myths. Cryptids are defined as creatures that many people presume to be real, but have no solid evidence to prove their existence. After taking a peek into the world of cryptids, you can decide what you believe.
One of the most well known cryptids is Bigfoot. Also known as the Sasquatch, the forest-dwelling creature is tall, hairy, and looks like a cross between a man and an ape. Bigfoot is theorized to be the missing link between humans and primates. It’s name comes from the humongous footprints it supposedly leaves behind when it treks through the woods.
Another famous cryptid is Scotland’s Loch Ness Monster, which has been affectionately nicknamed “Nessie”. Nessie has been described as a whale-sized “sea serpent” or “monster fish”, and has often been compared to a dragon. Its long neck and humped body, which can be seen sticking out above the water in blurry photographs, certainly give it that appearance. However, there is little evidence that the photographs taken of Nessie were genuine.
Mothman is one of the most mysterious cryptids. He has been described as “a large flying man with ten-foot wings” and eyes that “glowed red” in the dark. Many people claim to have spotted him swooping through the night sky. A common explanation for these sightings is that the figure was actually a large owl or heron flying close by, and that its eyes appeared red when reflecting light. Mothman has reportedly been spotted right before huge disasters take place. While moths are attracted to light, Mothman seems to be attracted to danger.
The chupacabra is one of the few cryptids that has been almost flawlessly debunked. The monster is often depicted as a large, grey, hound-like quadruped with sharp teeth and spines. It is known for its habit of eating or sucking the blood of livestock. A widely accepted explanation for the chupacabra is that it’s really a hairless coyote. A disease called mange can cause coyotes to lose their fur, revealing the grey skin underneath. Additionally, coyotes are predators, so it would make sense for them to bite animals they prey upon. The one major difference between the coyote and the chupacabra is the row of spikes that lines the chupacabra’s back. Perhaps the chupacabra is real, or maybe an unlucky coyote lost a fight with a porcupine.
Whether these cryptids are fact or fiction is up for you to decide. Maybe you’ll even discover one for yourself!