Thank You, Pastor Jae

Kylie Ha, Editor in Chief

Dear Pastor Jae, 

You’ve witnessed everything in between the eighth (almost ninth grade) Kylie to who I am now, including my increase in height, the ups and downs, and most importantly, my growth in faith and love for Jesus. 

You’ve instilled a sense of encouragement and hope, to keep my eyes on Jesus when things have taken a turn for the worse, and have also been the one to encourage fellowship and a sense of community. 

Your dedication to serving others before yourself, and the pure love that you have for every single middle schooler and high schooler, has positively changed the way I interact with people today. Time and time again, your actions have shown me what it’s like to love people like Jesus did. 

Your tireless efforts to make the Youth Ministry a more Christ-centered, welcoming, environment through bonding nights, outreach events, and small groups have been one of the factors that pushed me to be involved with Light of Love Mission Church (LOLMC). 

It’s because of the energy you display that I’ve truly looked forward to taking care of the elementary kids and toddlers on Sundays, helping out during Hallelujah Night, and have been present at any other event—big or small. 

Within the four years I’ve had you as my pastor, there’s always something new that I learn or am reminded of. Not only did you teach me the basics of playing the drums, but you’ve always prayed for me in every step of my life, and have always graciously extended your help each time I see you. More often than not, it’s by treating students with delicious food—especially boba from TPumps. I couldn’t count on both hands how many gift cards we’ve gotten from that magical place, but it’s one of the best gifts in the world. 

You’ve taken the seniors on countless boba runs, played “Zombie” in the church van, made us homemade dinners for praise team practices, and have consistently uplifted each person for their accomplishments. 

Church is truly my second-home, and I desire to expand our community with others—just by loving and laughing like you. 

Plus, your birthday carrot cupcakes are a big winner. I’d secretly sign you up for Chopped or to be interviewed by Guy Fieri, but then, all of us from LOLMC Youth would miss you all too much. 

Thank you, P. Jae, for everything you’ve done for us and for me.