After performing their halftime show in Oct. 2019, decked in Halloween costumes, Band and Colorguard were invited by the 2021 President of the Tournament of Roses Bob Miller to perform in the 2021 Rose Parade.
“I thought it was pretty cool because not a lot of people get to do it and be able to show off to the community what we do,” Colorguard Co-Captain sophomore Arianna Tear said.
The students were, in sophomore Doris Dai’s words, “really excited.” Doris said the prospect of the Rose Parade “kept [her] going because there were times when [she] wanted to quit, but [she] wanted to stay because [she] wanted to march in the Rose Parade.”
Unfortunately, by June, the pandemic was in full swing and an announcement was released that the 2021 Rose Parade was canceled.
Doris said it “was really hard to find out that it was canceled, but we all saw it coming.” Many of the other members of Colorguard and Band said similar statements.
For Varsity Drum Major senior Justin Wu, the cancellation of the parade was an especially hard blow. Justin has been training since seventh grade to learn to be a drum major. In eighth grade, he won the title of drum major for Dana Middle School and in his sophomore year, he earned the title again. This past spring, Justin auditioned for the Varsity Drum Major and won.
“One of the culminations of my drum major journey would’ve been to march in the Rose Parade,” he said.
This summer, the Band and Colorguard Music Camp was held online. Band had two days of drill and five days of music camp where three were focused on music. During those brief days of drill camp, drill formations, marching, and technique were reviewed and learned. Though the camp was not in-person, there were still socials where Colorguard and Band were able to play online games with one another to bond.
For this coming season, “all competitions are canceled… but since the band’s still practicing with their marching and music, Colorguard’s also been practicing a new routine,” Doris said.
Colorguard Co-Captain juniors Kate Fletcher and Jayda Pham revealed that although field shows, competitions, and the like have been canceled, Colorguard is working on choreography and technique in the hopes of creating a video compilation of its performers to release for this year’s Spaghetti Dinner, although the event will not be held in person.
Though the 2021 Rose Parade has been canceled, Band and Colorguard, as well as our current seniors, have been invited to perform in the 2022 Rose Parade. Justin plans to come back and march in next year’s parade and hopes that some of his friends will too.
Graphic courtesy of DLPNG.COM